Coworking spaces such as SOHO 3Q WuJiaoChang are places that buzz with energy. This Shanghai department store, of 14,000m2 and five levels, from the 1980s, transforms into the future of work environment.
Via the two-level lobby on the ground floor, the energy of the coworking space connects with the pulse of the city. The lobby forms the centrepiece of the building: a two-level community hub designed for business talks, presentations, formal and spontaneous meetings, and a place to have coffee. A new spiral staircase makes a bold sculptural gesture, connecting all upper floors and ensuring that creative community life continues at every level.
The design language mirrors the energy of the coworking ethos: terrazzo floors, open ceilings and wooden surfaces teamed with bold colours creating an inspiring yet engaging atmosphere for a target group that is always on the move. In order to zone such a large area into identifiable spaces, each level is dedicated to a well-known personality, who effected a revolutionary change in perception in their particular field of endeavour: portraits of Ιeoh Ming Pei, Steve Jobs, Marie Curie, Albert Einstein and Thomas Edison decorate the walls and give each level its unique identity.