Located on Kapsali Street in Kolonaki, Athens, this 1920s neoclassical building was renovated for the law firm POTAMITISVEKRIS’ offices. The building’s continual operation resulted in well-preserved façades, but its drastic changes in function devastated its interiors, stripping it of any authentic neoclassical elements. The main design axis aimed to harmonize the building’s remaining neoclassical character with a new, fresh vocabulary, and to create a work environment supporting creative interaction and concentration, while reflecting a welcoming yet professional identity. The design forms and language used, particularly for custom designed objects such as balustrades and door handles, are reminiscent of early 20th century Athenian art deco and early modernist buildings. The simple interiors feature a crisp color palette of dark green, off-black, flannel grey, straw beige and white. A combination of hard/reflective and soft/matte materials can be found throughout the building: polished dark green industrial flooring is combined with various shades of grey carpeting and upholstered felt wall panels, glass partitions and ornamented ceilings. Free-standing glass partitions were erected to enhance physical and phenomenal transparency and the flow of natural light into every office. Vertical fabric blinds allow for privacy between offices. The few remaining neoclassical elements in the interior of the building, such as the perimeter celing plasterworks, the wooden entrance doors and part of the central lobby and courtyard flooring, were integrated to the design.
Design by:
Photos by:
Ioanna Nikolareizi, Louisa Nikolaidou and Joanna Pagalia