The gym is located at the southern entrance of the city and occupies the 185m2 ground floor of an old plaster workshop. The study took advantage of the existing layout and industrial aesthetic of the space by revealing and emphasizing the structural elements of the building. As there was no basement for the auxiliary uses, the unit containing the changing rooms and the storeroom was highlighted as a central design feature. The ‘box in a box’ logic that was followed aimed at creating a distinct volume with particular morphological features and furthermore at making the best possible use of natural light and ventilation through the openings on the rear façade. In the main area of the gym, the exercise and movement zones were determined after extensive analysis. The aim was to simultaneously train two groups of five people in stand-alone and fully equipped workstations with the ability to cover a variety of exercises. Thus, by taking advantage of the space’s bilateral symmetry, the distinct zones of free weights, aerobic exercise, cross training and TRX were organized around the central axis of movement, which stretches from the building’s entrance all the way to the changing rooms volume.